Faux-Beginning French – Evening Class

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10 Tuesdays, 7:10 – 8:40 p.m. 

Special Note: This class is taught online. If you are not signing up because of it, please let us know so we may try to accommodate your request for an in-person class or know of your preferences for future classes. Thank you.

Book: Latitudes 1 ISBN: 978-2-278-06249-2
Location: Taught online via Zoom. An invitation and explanations on how to join the meeting will be sent to registered students.
Andy MacDonald
Price: $250 (early registration) $280 (After 4/15)
Dates: 04/23 – 06/25
Need more information? Please sign up to attend our special “Café, Croissant et Petite Causerie” on Saturday April 13th or get in touch.

We recommend this class if you didn’t recently begin your studies of French in one of our introductory classes but studied French in school (middle school, high school, sometimes a year in college). You are what we call a “Faux-Beginner”. You are not beginning from scratch, but your foundation feels shaky.

You may have had some contact with French since your school years (you may have traveled to France or Québec) but you feel that you have little command of the language and therefore want to begin ‘from the top’ with a thorough review.

As your teachers, we can usually assume that in this level you understand basic conversation and questions relating to your personal life: “What’s your name?”, “Do you work?”, “Where are you from?”, “Are you married?”, “Where do you live?”, “Do you speak French?”, and so on. You are also familiar with grammar concepts (a verb, a subject, a conjugation, tenses, pronouns, etc.) and we will be able to launch into descriptions of sentence structure and have you follow along reasonably well.

At the end of this level, you will interact in a simple way provided your interlocutor is prepared to repeat or rephrase words or communications at a slower rate of speech and help you formulate what you are trying to say. You will be comfortable asking and answering simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. You will use basic phrases and sentences to describe where you live and people you know, things you do and like. You will also be able to write a short, simple postcard, such as a holiday greeting, and fill out forms with personal details. You will have seen the present tense of the indicative mood, the immediate future, some verbs in the imperative, and you have used the passé composé.

In this class we strive to review what you know from your past experience with French, while helping you integrate new information and gain more practice in reading, writing, speaking, and listening – underlining speaking in the present, the past, and the future, while also practicing the understanding of and giving of commands in French. We will also work on increasing our cultural knowledge about the French speaking world.

If you need assistance to determine if this class is right for you, we would be happy to help.
Please sign up to attend our special “Café, Croissant et Petite Causerie” on Saturday April 13th or get in touch.

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