Club di Lettura – Fall – Intermediate to Advanced – Afternoon Class

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Early bird

10 Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 

Book: Vita by Melania G. Mazzucco ISBN: 978-8817871624 (paper version) ASIN: BOOTY03TSW (Kindle version)
Location: Taught online via Zoom. An invitation and explanations on how to join the meeting will be sent to registered students.
Instructor: Enrico Della Pietra
Price: $250 (early registration) $285 (After 09/15)
Dates: 10/01 – 12/10 – No class during Thanksgiving week
Need more information? Please get in touch or attend our online Q&A session on Thursday September 12th. Click here to sign up for the meeting.

You have been studying Italian for some time and are quite comfortable carrying on conversations on a large variety of topics but perhaps you are ready for something a bit more challenging to continue to improve your vocabulary and solidify your knowledge of Italian grammar – not to mention insight into Italian culture.
Reading a book has not yet been part of your toolbox as both the task itself – not understanding everything, having to look up too many words — seems a bit daunting and the actual selection of a book, a discouraging process! But if someone chooses the book for you and holds your hand throughout the process by allowing you to tackle it in small digestible bites that you get to discuss once a week… you may be in for a pleasant and highly rewarding experience that will contribute to boost your confidence!
If you are ready to move into the realm of unabridged literature, let the adventure begin!

You will be asked to read a certain number of pages every week at home and once a week, you will “videomeet” with your classmates and instructor for discussions, clarifications, explanations, etc. — in Italian of course!

If you know that this is the right level for you, please sign up! If you are not sure, let us help.
Please get in touch or attend our online Q&A session on Thursday September 12th. Click here to sign up for the meeting.

Riassunto del libr

Nel 1903 Vita e Diamante, nove anni lei, dodici lui, sbarcano a New York. Dalla miseria delle campagne del Mezzogiorno vengono catapultati in una metropoli moderna, caotica e ostile. Vita è ribelle, possessiva e indomabile, Diamante taciturno, orgoglioso e temerario. Li aspettano sopraffazione, violenza e tradimento. Ma anche occasioni di riscatto, la scoperta dell’amicizia e, soprattutto, l’amore. Che si rivelerà piú forte della distanza, della guerra, degli anni. Questo fortunato romanzo, epico e favoloso, commovente e amaro, continua a incantare i lettori di tutto il mondo. Dando voce a un coro di personaggi perduti nella memoria, Melania Mazzucco tesse i fili di una narrazione che è insieme familiare e universale. La storia di tutti quelli che hanno sognato – e sognano – una vita migliore.

Distribuzione della lettura (TBA)

1/10 –
8/10 –
15/10 –
22/10 –
29/10 –
5/11 –
12/11 –
19/11 –
26/11 – No Class. Happy Thanksgiving!
3/12 –
10/12 –


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